NewsDISCOVER what new trailer music albums have recently been released and where to listen to them.
FIND albums that have been released to the public (or not), and decide which one to listen to next.
LISTEN to my selection of publicly available trailer music, ranging from epic action to suspense thriller to fantasy adventure.
Welcome to Trailer Music Hub, your one-stop resource for exploring not-only-epic trailer music!
I'll say this upfront: I'm crazy about trailer music, and cinematic music in general, including movie and video game soundtracks. I easily listen to a hundred or more new trailer/production music albums each month. Since it's mostly instrumental music, I have it playing in the background almost all the time. As you can imagine, it is easy to forget which albums you've already heard when you listen to that amount of music. Several years ago, I therefore started keeping track of all the music I listen to, which has resulted in an enormous catalog of trailer music. In 2021, I then started writing a monthly summary of new albums that I got a chance to listen to, which has become the News section of Trailer Music Hub. Each month you'll find here a new post typically introducing 30-50 recently released albums, and the occasional post in between introducing a new trailer music company.
Now that my catalog is fairly comprehensive, I decided to also share it with other trailer music enthusiasts out there. Besides listing 10,000+ albums, the Catalog provides one or more links to websites of most of the trailer music libraries/composers, where you can legally listen to their music (typically the library's official website, or one of their distributor's website), industry-only albums in particular. Luckily, an increasing number of libraries and composers have been releasing most of their albums to the general public for a while now, so they can often be found on streaming platforms, such as Spotify (links included in the catalog), or for purchase on Bandcamp or Qobuz. The catalog is regularly updated with both new and old albums as I listen to them, and new trailer music companies are periodically added to it too, so it will hopefully serve you as a great additional exploration resource, especially if you're new to trailer music!
Finally, Trailer Music Hub has a Playlists section where you can explore trailer music by subgenre, whether it be epic adventure, hybrid action or inspiring drama. If you're a long-time trailer music fan, you probably already have your own playlist(s) of favorite songs, and you might be upset not to see them here. Understandably, everyone's tastes are different, yet my hope with these playlists is that you find in them some hidden gems that you have never came across before. And if you're just at the beginning of your trailer music journey, well, then what better place to start exploring?
(Un)fortunately, it feels like the number of trailer music libraries has been growing exponentially in the recent years, and there is no way I can keep track of all of them, much less to listen to all of them. Please, keep that in mind when you're browsing the catalog, reading the news or checking out the playlists. At the same time, I welcome suggestions of trailer music companies that are missing in the catalog and you think they definitely shouldn't!
Follow @trailermusichub on Instagram, and please send any questions, suggestions or reports of broken content to [email protected]. Enjoy browsing Trailer Music Hub!
Now that my catalog is fairly comprehensive, I decided to also share it with other trailer music enthusiasts out there. Besides listing 10,000+ albums, the Catalog provides one or more links to websites of most of the trailer music libraries/composers, where you can legally listen to their music (typically the library's official website, or one of their distributor's website), industry-only albums in particular. Luckily, an increasing number of libraries and composers have been releasing most of their albums to the general public for a while now, so they can often be found on streaming platforms, such as Spotify (links included in the catalog), or for purchase on Bandcamp or Qobuz. The catalog is regularly updated with both new and old albums as I listen to them, and new trailer music companies are periodically added to it too, so it will hopefully serve you as a great additional exploration resource, especially if you're new to trailer music!
Finally, Trailer Music Hub has a Playlists section where you can explore trailer music by subgenre, whether it be epic adventure, hybrid action or inspiring drama. If you're a long-time trailer music fan, you probably already have your own playlist(s) of favorite songs, and you might be upset not to see them here. Understandably, everyone's tastes are different, yet my hope with these playlists is that you find in them some hidden gems that you have never came across before. And if you're just at the beginning of your trailer music journey, well, then what better place to start exploring?
(Un)fortunately, it feels like the number of trailer music libraries has been growing exponentially in the recent years, and there is no way I can keep track of all of them, much less to listen to all of them. Please, keep that in mind when you're browsing the catalog, reading the news or checking out the playlists. At the same time, I welcome suggestions of trailer music companies that are missing in the catalog and you think they definitely shouldn't!
Follow @trailermusichub on Instagram, and please send any questions, suggestions or reports of broken content to [email protected]. Enjoy browsing Trailer Music Hub!
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