Get ready for a year-end trailer music galore! In November I discovered 52 new releases, which is the most in a single month this year and, in fact, the most I've ever mentioned in a post on Trailer Music Hub. And not only that, I also have 4 introductions of first-timers on my blog to make! The first label whose catalog I only listened to recently and which released a new album in November is Amplitude, a trailer music label of Adrenalin Production Music Libraries. Amplitude released the first 3 albums back in 2017, and the number has grown to 34 since then. Next, I checked out OneMusic, a production music company founded in the late 90s and acquired by Universal Production Music in 2007, boasting hundreds of albums produced over the two and half decades of its existence. OneMusic's albums are typically made publicly available not long after their initial release to the industry.
Welcome to the 30th monthly post on my trailer music blog! You'll find in it a list of 44 new releases, but first I have four introductions of newcomers to the blog to make. Andreas Kübler is a German composer, probably best known as the former creative director and lead composer at IMAscore, but making music for other trailer music companies too, including Colossal Trailer Music and Glory Oath + Blood. In June he released his second solo EP, after a debut EP in 2020 that had come out just shortly before I started this blog. Next, Instrumental Core (the alias of Piotr Adamski) adds the sixth album to his collection, the last one before that also having been released just a month before the inception of my blog. Instrumental Core, however, entered the trailer music scene with his debut "dubchestral" release already back in 2012, after which he started closely collaborating with Really Slow Motion on his subsequent albums. The viking composers of Epic North – a Finnish trailer music company that also collaborated with Really Slow Motion in the past – are back from their Fimbulvinter slumber that lasted not the proverbial three, but five, consecutive winters. Just in time to celebrate the company's 10th anniversary with a new epic album! And finally, Immediate Music has released their first public album since 2020. Founded all the way back in 1993 by Jeffrey Fayman and Yoav Goren, Immediate Music is a veteran in trailer music, however, until recently, there seemed to be no new music produced by the company after 2020. That seems to be changing now though, as I've noticed albums from the past three years being retroactively added on the BMG Production Music website linked above. So, there might be more "new" Immediate Music music (uh, that sounds awkward) to look forward to in the near future! Phew, this was probably the longest intro paragraph I've written in a post... but don't get used to it! Go ahead and enjoy the new music now!
Welcome to the first post of 2023! It sure looks like trailer music companies had delayed much of their music publication in December until after New Year, as I found 51 new trailer music releases this January! This is by far the most I have ever reported in a single post, and it took me quite a bit of time to go through all of them (and many other not-quite-trailer-music albums that didn't make it into this post) and to write up this post. Despite the greater-than-ever number of releases, I only have one new introduction to my blog this time. Olexandr Ignatov, a Ukrainian pianist and composer, released Motherland, an album dedicated to his home country in the light of the events of the past 12 months, and the first album with epic music since his two 2018 releases, Piano Scenes and Forgotten Reality. And, although not entirely new to my blog, let me also highlight Q-Factory, Soundcritters, and Tybercore this month, all of whom had not released any new music since early 2021, when I was just starting to write this trailer music news blog. Okay, I won't take any more of your time, as you have more than 50 albums to explore! Have fun!
For the March trailer music update I decided go with a different format, as I was traveling and thus ended up not having time to write about individual albums in more detail. For each album the post now lists the genre, composer(s), number of tracks, and whether it's a public industry or not, along with links to where you can listen to the album. Whenever the trailer company or their distributor gives a description on their website or Facebook/Twitter page, I cite it here too, just like I have done in earlier posts. Happy exploring of new trailer music!
June 2024